Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 13th March 2010, commencing at 2 pm.

Forty-five members attended plus two visitors.

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Sue Deakin, Pippa Hilton, Colin and Judith Doughty, Beverlie and David Drewitt.
  2. To receive and adopt the minutes for the AGM held 9th May 2009.

    Proposer: Alan Hale

    Seconder: Judy Pollitt


  3. Matters arising – none
  4. Chairman’s Report.

    Although only ten months since the last AGM, the Chairman was able to look back on a particularly busy period with enjoyable indoor meetings in a pleasing venue, a good range of well-attended lectures, even the January one which was threatened by the snow. Thanks were due to Wendy Richards and Leila Mantle for arranging speakers, a task now being managed by Angela Downton.

    The summer programme included two coffee mornings and an outing to Hampton Court and Stocktonbury , all blessed with fine weather, as was the Garden Tour of Dorset, attended by 45 members. Only one event, the coffee morning at John and Vivienne McGhee’s had to be cancelled due to bad weather. Thanks were offered to those who hosted and organized these events.

    Vivienne McGhee received special mention for heading up the Autumn Study Weekend sub-committee, as did Judith Doughty for her administrative work for that event. Judith was also thanked for producing two first-class newsletters, as was Colin Doughty for producing and maintaining the Group’s excellent web site.

    Thanks were finally offered to John McGhee as Treasurer for his sound management of the Group’s finances and for presenting the accounts in such a clear manner.

  5. To receive and adopt the accounts of the preceding financial year

    The Treasurer presented the accounts for 2009, which, due to the change in the accounting period to 31st December, was a nine-month ‘year’. This showed a healthy growth despite rising costs in some areas. Included with the statement was a four-year review with a breakdown of income and principal expenses.

    In response to a question from the floor, the Treasurer confirmed that some HPS groups funded their activities other than through subscription income. However, opportunities that were open to some were not open to all and what worked for some groups did not work for others. Worcestershire Group members had expressed a preference for indoor meetings with speakers throughout the year which meant that the Group had to finance eleven indoor meetings compared to typically five to eight in other groups. The new all-inclusive subscription had provided financial visibility and stability and at £12.50 represented good value, a view endorsed by the floor. Whilst group membership was relatively low, attendance at meetings averaged 60% which suggested that the Group had achieved the right balance.

    The accounts were formally adopted.

    Proposer: Jackie Davies

    Seconder: Marilyn Wrightson

  6. To transact any other business of which 21 day’s notice had been given.


  7. Election of officers

    The officers having offered to stand for re-election were voted in en bloc.

    Proposer: Pam Shaw

    Seconder: Marie Paginton

  8. Election of Committee

    Due to stand down by rotation were Bev Drewitt, Angela Downton and Sue Chitty. No nominations for these posts had been received. Being willing to stand for re-election for a further year and as provided for by the Constitution, the above were re-elected en bloc.

    Proposer: Cath Barnes

    Seconder: Celia Guest

    The remaining committee members namely, Colin Doughty, Marilyn Wrightson were duly re-elected.

    Proposer: Lynda Niccolls

    Seconder: Thelma Lole

  9. Election of an independent examiner of the accounts

    Mr Jonathan Davies was proposed by John Bryant and seconded by Judy Pollitt and duly elected as independent examiner.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 2.30 p.m.

David Pollitt, Secretary